Widening The Media Lens That Overlooks Our Lives

To give an idea of what the media consisted of when we first joined television, Instagram wasn’t even born yet. […]

To give an idea of what the media consisted of when we first joined television, Instagram wasn’t even born yet. Which, is crazy to think about because of the impact it has on media, popularity, and fame today. When we first started we had to get used to being on magazine covers, (where gossip was once spread), and having a few articles written about us.

The rise of Twitter and Instagram changed everything, however. Instant access was granted into each other’s minds and lifestyles through short status’ and real-time photos. Tyler and I making personal accounts meant that we were allowing that access into our personal lives beyond the television for others to see.

Along with that, news outlets were beginning to post multiple articles a day because now they had the space online to share more at a faster rate. All of this gave us a space to be more seen but also a space for others to make their comments and opinions heard. So, it’s safe to say that being in the spotlight as the media shifted into what it is today definitely changed everything for us over time.

The Role Of Social Media In Our Lives


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Since we began on MTV we were as transparent about our lives as we could get. We did our best to always show our real lives and not sugar coat anything. We figured that if people were going to know us through their television, they might as well know the real version.

As 16 and Pregnant grabbed more and more attention, we would find ourselves in magazines or being recognized outside of our home. As exciting as it all sounds and was, it was absolutely a lifestyle adjustment.

We were sharing our story throughout multiple outlets now which made us more vulnerable to the world. And, as technology advanced and social media became the next big thing, the lens on our lives has only gotten wider.

To be honest, we love having our personal accounts on Instagram and Twitter. We think that our transparency from day one is what made us relatable to viewers and what grew our fan base. So, having those outlets to share things in real time and from our eyes gave us more space to connect with fans and really anyone else.

Setting Healthy Boundaries


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A post shared by Tyler Baltierra (@tylerbaltierramtv)

We all know how easy it is to get wrapped up in social media. You log into an app to check one thing to then find yourself down a rabbit hole of photos, accounts and reels 30 minutes later.

And, while the internet is filled with some hysterical content, it still needs to be taken in healthy doses. Too much of anything isn’t ever good and too much social media can begin to take a toll, fast. Especially if your page receives a lot of traffic and comments.

The new world of social media has impacted our mental health in many ways over the time of its growth.

Not everyone understands what it’s like to go on your social media account and see thousands of comments. And, unfortunately not always positive ones. Yes, we have fans but bullies love to hangout behind a screen, too.

Some people would leave comments about how defective one of us is as a human being, for example. And, that’s not fair. We choose to get vulnerable and it’s cruel that some people use it against us. And, not just on us, but anyone that they really want to on the platform. It takes a toll after a while.

Tyler shared with me that although people have been cruel and it’s gotten to him at times, it’s also helped him. It’s helped him remind himself the value of self worth and what it really means to him. It forced him to look in the mirror and face himself from the inside out. He then was able to find a way to get validation within himself rather than to seek it from others.