Teaching Our Kids That With Hard Work and Accountability Comes Reward, Emotionally or Monetary
We are products of our environment. And, that environment is what kids see as their entire world before growing up […]
We are products of our environment. And, that environment is what kids see as their entire world before growing up and learning what else is out there. Therefore, the world that you allow your kids to live in is what they’ll grow up to believe is the world that exists for everyone. However, as we all know, that isn’t the case. We might share one planet but everyone sees life through a different lens with different experiences altering the world’s image for each individual.
I’d imagine it’s safe to say that work ethic has shifted with generations. Kids nowadays are raised in a world where anything and almost everything can be at their doorstep in less than 24 hours. Instant gratification has flooded homes and has become embedded in lifestyles across the globe, exiling the desire to wait for anything, even if waiting adds value.
Don’t get me wrong, receiving a package at my door [of something I need] in two days or less is fantastic and I love it. But, I didn’t grow up with that luxury. I understand that not everything can happen that quickly. Kids, however, who are learning the fundamentals of life with such a thing, are missing out on the beauty and rewards of patience. So with that being said, Tyler and I are making it our due diligence to shape a world around our kids which teaches them: that with hard work, patience, and time, rewards/ success will come and it will feel great.
A New Addition To The Family
We might’ve said no more kids but no one said anything about animals. Yep! We added another pet to our squad, a hamster. This weekend Nova earned herself a furry new friend to call hers.
A few months ago Nova came home begging me and Tyler for a hamster. We explained to her the big responsibility that comes with being a pet parent and how much care the hamster would need. As a couple, we came to an agreement which we then presented to Nova in order to get this pet.
Tyler and I told her that if she works hard in school and gets 100 percent on 10 of her spelling tests then she can get a hamster. Well, Nova did exactly that. This little girl worked her tail off and studied every week. And, on Friday she came home with her 10th 100 percent. Not only was she excited about the hamster as a reward BUT she was also so proud of herself for this big accomplishment and so were we, for her!
So everyone, let us introduce you to Oreo! The newest Baltierra addition.
Set Your Mind To It, Work For It, Achieve It
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Like I said before, it’s up to us as parents to build the world that our children experience to be. And, Tyler and I want ours to know that not everything good will happen in the blink of an eye. Good things take time. I mean, we all know the saying, “the faster it comes the quicker it goes.” Or what about the famous story of the turtle, “slow and steady wins the race.”
Holding Nova accountable and having her wait to get what she asked for was our way of teaching her that in life you have to work for things and stay focused on a goal to get to the finish line. And boy, did she do it!