Be Good To The Environment From The Comfort Of Your Own Home With These Eco-Friendly Products

There is an abundance of ways to take action toward filling up the world with more good. You can volunteer […]

Be Good To The Environment From The Comfort Of Your Own Home With These Eco-Friendly Products

There is an abundance of ways to take action toward filling up the world with more good. You can volunteer in your community, donate to non-profits, and much more. If you find that you don’t have the time or money to efficiently do good for the world the way you would like, that’s okay because here’s a solution. You can take action towards helping our environment simply by purchasing products (that you would already purchase anyways) for your home that are ethically made and aren’t harmful to the planet.

If you’re not sure where to start when searching for sustainable alternative, check out the list below for some inspiration.

In the Bedroom

Skip the wooden bed frame and find something metal such as:

Metal frames are said to last for nearly 15 years as opposed to the 7-10 years you get from a wooden one.

Did you know that the majority of mattresses contain chemicals, fabrics and components are dangerous to the environment (and humans as well)?

Sustainable mattresses are more pricey however, the positive benefit that comes with them is priceless.

Check out:

Compliment your planet friendly mattress with some sustainable sheets that are guaranteed to last you a long time.

Spread Love To The Kitchen

Ever heard of reusable paper towels?

Using single-use paper towels is pretty much throwing away money and trees. But, as long as you have access to a washer and dryer, you can purchase reusable paper towels which in the long run are more effective and affordable than paper.

Ziploc Bags are very convenient, there’s no denying it. What else would we put our kids lunch in? However, storage containers are the more sustainable route when saving food or packing it to go somewhere. In fact, there are some environmentally friendly items that even look like a baggy:

An Eco-Friendly Bathroom

Toothpaste tubes are a challenge to recycle because removing all of the paste is borderline impossible. However, brands such as Bite have created sustainable alternatives to the infamous toothpaste tube.

Skip the giant plastic bottles that your shampoo conditioner comes in and get zero-waste alternatives. These will be an adjustment but once you get used to them, you’ll be a planet hero, saving your trash from filling up with plastic.

Reusable razors should come as no surprise. And let’s be real, who like disposable ones anyways? They’re short lasting, notorious for cutting your skin and all around low-quality. Invest in a reusable planet that only calls for changing a razor head.

Check out these:

So, there’s sustainable toilet paper on the market and I think that everyone needs to start purchasing this. I mean c’mon, don’t you find it a little strange to chop down a tree just to wipe our butts with it? Swap out you’re overdone rolls of toilet paper for these planet friendly options:

Wash With a Purpose

We’re no longer living in the era of large plastic containers to carry our laundry detergent. Pods, sheets, and concentrated laundry liquid do the same great job while also cutting back on waste.